Why Do Emotional Breakdowns Happen?- Learn How To Process Energy and Avoid Emotional Time Bombs

It’s not easy when emotions get out of control. Energy can get so built up, that at some point  something small can happen and trigger ALL the feelings… and then there’s no other route than cry aloud, shout it all out, and literally throw a fit!  It happens, right? Our bodies need release… 

But if you’ve ever been in the position where its’ you having this type of emotional breakdown, or you’ve been on the receiving end of someone exploding at you, you know how unpleasant and taxing it is to fall into this turbulent cycle of letting things accumulate until the emotional bomb explodes.

Many of us have been conditioned since childhood to think that speaking up about our emotions makes us weak, or confrontational, or that it makes us look like crazy people, so instead of learning how to process emotional energy we simply suppress it or repress it.

We’re not meant to live this way, and there’s more consequences to keeping all in than just exploding every once in a while. Have you noticed that chaos attracts chaos?

Your repressed energy will attract more of what’s in line with its frequency. So if you have repressed anger, you’re actively attracting people and situations that will unfold with anger, and the cycle will repeat over and over until the energy is processed and integrated into your field.

I know it can sound scary but there’s many ways you can keep your energetic field flowing, clear yourself from stuck energies and avoid the turmoil of emotional breakdowns.

That’s what today’s video is all about, so check it out! You’ll begin to understand the basics of processing energy to keep a healthy energetic body  and learn how to start integrating the energy you experience in your daily life.

Have you ever experienced an emotional breakdown or had someone explode on you? Don’t you wish you could avoid emotional breakdowns all along?

Begin to use your breath as a way to process energy. Start by observing your breath for 10 min everyday for the next two weeks, making it an even inhale and exhale, simply observing the flow of breath like waves in the ocean.

Try it out and let me know! Leave a comment below or email me at hi@danashamas.com to share your experience.


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