Dana Shamas



Learn how to breathe

Integrate and process energy fully through your system so that stuck emotions transform to flow lifeforce energy.


I was introduced to breathwork at a low point in my life and my first session was life altering. So  kept doing it and developed a deep personal practice of breathwork. This practice helped me to make sense of what was going on in my life and gave me a profound understanding energy and intuition. I transitioned into a more easeful state and was able to experience situations without judgement, attachments or expectations. 

Breathwork really allowed me to see that everyone is doing their best and if their actions are not working in agreement with your life then make different decisions! This practice has given me the beautiful opportunity to see the highest good in everybody while fully expressing my authentic self.

Breath is life force energy

How you breathe is a direct reflection of how you live.

Our disconnected breathing patterns directly relate to a feeling of disconnection in life which can lead to a sense of loneliness, depression, fear and anxiety. Breathwork brings us back to a more connected breath which leads to a greater sense of connection and wellbeing in all parts of our life.

Breathwork teaches us to perceive emotions as information -
a way that our subconscious communicates
with our consciousness self.

Modern life is busy and hectic. It often feels like there is little or no time for emotions and feelings, we just have to get things done, get through things. Yet emotions and feelings are what make our life experience as human beings amazing and extraordinary.

We spend so many years learning. However, very few of us get to adulthood with a good education for dealing with emotions. In general we are taught to suppress or repress emotions. Repressed emotion is stuck energy in the bio energetic field. Over time a habit of repressing emotions leads to tightness in the body, illness, disease or unhealthy habits. Integrative Breathwork is a practice that teaches us to feel and process emotions instead of repressing them. This results in more presence, coherency and less reaction and chaos.

Emily P.

"Breath work teaches me the skills to feel and recognize my emotions. It helps me process the daily grind and the deep patterns that I don’t even recall learning. I can feel it working throughout the days and weeks after I practice. It helped me to connect and release my anxiety. What was years of living with constant low riding anxiety has decreased to occasional days, AND I’m not so scared of my anxiety anymore, so when it is present I know it’s okay. Breath work with Dana is one of the safest places I've ever been."

Breathing is our connection to the etheric realm -

Breathwork is a practice of learning
to communicate with your Spirit

How does it work?

When you breathe, you take things you cannot see into your body (oxygen), and your body transforms that into energy in your body to literally create your body.

If you are not breathing fully, you are not processing your energy for the emotion in front of you.

Learning how to breathe is the process of integrating energy through your system instead of suppressing it or allowing it to be stuck. 

For those of us who are busy and have a lot of stuck emotion and energy to clear, this is a really fast and effective tool. 


The benefits of breathwork

On a physical level…

  • expand your respiratory system

  • increase oxygenation 

  • decrease toxins in the body

  • giving you more energy and vitality

On a mental and emotional level…

  • release suppressed and repressed emotions

  • let go of limiting patterns and beliefs

  • express emotion more easily and with less charge(shame/blame)

  • understand and resolve emotional triggers

 Most practitioners experience less anxiety,
more peace, more joy and a deep connection to Self.

What does a breathwork session look like?

We start off by spending a bit of time talking and chatting through any emotional, mental and physical blockages you would like to clear and weave those in with your intentions for the session.

We then move into one of two styles to suit your needs:


Cathartic Breathwork Session

I use this style when there are a lot of emotions to move through. These sessions are 90 minutes and I recommend clients to book out 2 hours to allow for ample time if the session runs over. We move into 45 minutes of cathartic breathing with no pauses and I will coach you through the breath session, helping you to let go. Clients who have been working with me for a while get specific personalized sessions and things to do.  Then we hold space for 15 mins at the end to wrap up sessions and talk through any messages that may come through. This type of session is more experiential in nature. 

Each session is 90mins long and conducted via zoom. The session can be recorded so you can use the session again and again.


Coaching Breathwork Session 

A coaching breathwork session focuses on providing you with tools to process emotions so you can better understand your emotions and truly get to the root of your reactionary patterns. These sessions have a great deal of coaching and teaching so that you walk away with a short and powerful personal practice. You are welcome to purchase one session to work through a particular issue. I recommend purchasing a package of sessions to really embody the practice and the tools. 

Each session is 60mins long and conducted via zoom. The session can be recorded so you can use the session again and again. 

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to contact Dana for further program + booking information