How To Define Success For Yourself To Stop The Burnout Cycle - Quick 5 min Guided Mini Coaching Session

It was a total recipe for burnout.

I was talking to my colleague about work, life and success. She mentioned that even though she was excited about everything that was going on at the end of the day, all she was left with was exhaustion.

Haven’t we all been in that position? When there is sooooo much to do, we’re excited that things are going well, BUT the routine looks like waking up early, working late, barely having time to eat and just feeling exhausted at the end…

That’s the type of thing that surely leads to burnout. It sucks, and is so common! We live in a society where being busy equals success and working hard is a badge of honor, but honestly… is that what success is all about for you? 

I don’t think so! I believe that as individuals we need to connect with our own truth and define a version of success that leaves us feeling vibrant, energized and open for opportunities, not exhausted.

So today I invite you to have a different kind of experience of success with me. Follow this quick mini coaching exercise I designed to help you reconnect your own true experience of success in your own body, and in your own system so that by aligning with that vibration you can begin to create your own definition of success.

I promise you, you’ll walk away with a clear sense of what is and what’s not serving you and enough information to adjust your to-do list to get more of what success really means for you.

“Redefining success for yourself so that you feel vibrant, energized and whole…So that you can truly bring your whole self to every experience, to each situation, each opportunity, instead of running the hustle for the things you “should” be doing to be successful”

-Dana Shamas

Try the guided coaching session in today’s video and let me know how it goes! Leave a comment below or email me at

Love & Light,


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