Spring Full Moon Ritual- Harness the equinox energy to cultivate growth in your life this year

Everything is starting to bud out with the beautiful vibrant energy of the spring! 

As we come into the spring equinox and the full moon this week, there is  powerful energy available for us to harness and focus towards what we want to cultivate and grow into our lives this season. 

So let’s step into this flow with Mother Earth with a spring ritual!

In this season, we have a huge amount of energy that surfaces from the wind,  the sun, the water, the earth… the vibrancy of it all can feel intense, or even distracting especially with so many new things that sprout up and grab our attention. When we intentionally align with this season's energy we can focus all this goodness into our intentions - what we want to cultivate and grow in our lives. When we use this expansive energy of spring to  ground and nurture our intentions, we support and facilitate the growth that can happen for the next few months so we can reap the harvest of our intentions later on this year. 

What do you wanna grow and nurture now so you get to enjoy the fruits in 2022 or beyond? 

Use your insights to fuel your intentions and watch today's video to get the step by step for this powerful spring ritual!

Full Moon Spring Equinox Ritual- Planting seeds

What you'll need: seeds, soil, pen, paper.

  1. Make a list of all the things that make you feel good, vibrant and alive.

  2. Pick up to three things from the list and write each in an individual piece of paper.

  3. Breathe and focus your energy to set your intentions for each of the things you wrote down.  (You can follow the guided intention setting in the video min :sec or do your own) 

  4. Plant your intentions in the soil along with the seeds you chose.

  5. Place your planted seeds somewhere you can remember to nurture and notice the process of growing and blooming. 

As always I love hearing from you!  What intentions did you choose for yourself this season?  leave a comment below or email me directly to hi@danashamas.com


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