Dana Shamas

Tuning Fork Workshops


Amplify your unique vibration

Learn to harmonize your bioenergetic field


Tuning Forks profoundly shifted my practice and deepened my understanding of my bioenergetic field. The framework of tuning the bioenergetic field with tuning forks allowed me to explore the connections between the seen, the felt, and the unseen world. With each experience, I began to trust my intuition more fully and refine my ability to explain what I experienced. I am so excited to be able to share this profound practice with you.

Join me this Spring for two fun-filled days, and loads of hands-on experience of how to work with tuning forks and energy!

Tune Up Your Body

Learn how to harmonize your body with tuning forks

March 2nd, 2024

9am - 4pm, Austin, TX

Using Weighted Tuning Forks on the Body is a great introduction to working with tuning forks and is an amazing form of self-care. It is a powerful and easy tool to support your well-being and the well-being of your whole household. 

This workshop will be a hands-on experience designed to give you the theory of how and why weighted tuning forks on the body as well as lots of hands-on practice. You will leave the workshop feeling AMAZING and equipped with a new tool for healing. 

This workshop will cover how to use weighted tuning forks for self-care - relieving muscle tension, headaches, and sinus pressure as well as meridian points on the hands and feet.

We will work in pairs so you get hands-on experience using weighted forks on other people. We will practice how do to a sonic facial, relieve tendonitis, melt away muscle knots, spine work, and more. The class will close with a walk-through of a forks in the field session.

Love Yourself MORE Tuning Fork Bundle

Love Yourself MORE Tuning Fork Bundle

The LOVE Yourself MORE bundle gives you both tuning fork shops PLUS a free 1:1 session with Dana! Perfect way to launch your tuning fork experience.

Harmonize Your Energy Field

Learn how to use tuning forks to harmonize your bioenergetic field

April 13th, 2024

9am - 4pm, Austin, TX

This workshop is a great introduction to working with tuning forks in the bioenergetic field. You can use this as a tool for energy balancing in your own life. Once you reach a level of confidence and understanding you will be able to use this tool with others.

Sound has been used for thousands of years to harmonize your energetic system, restore balance, and make you feel good. In this workshop, you will learn the theory and practice of how sound and tuning forks are such effective tools. The workshop will be practice-focused so that you get as much hands-on experience working with tuning forks and energy. You will gain a strong foundation in how to work with tuning forks to harmonize energy and enhance your intuition and confidence in expressing your inner knowing and your gifts.   

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to contact Dana for further program + booking information