What To Do About The Bullies In Your Life? - Begin to create harmony and step forward to create the world we want to live in.

I grew up hearing about Russia, the threat of nuclear attacks and World War 3 - and yet I knew there was so much more to the story. I was SO curious about the rest of the story that I decided to study Russian and Economics, specifically how countries transition from a communist style economy to a free market system. I wanted to understand the culture and people so I would understand how they function and thrive. I learned so much and had great validation that YES there is so much more to the story that what we hear in US media. 


With everything that is happening now I can't help but think: haven't  we moved forward in 30 years? It's incredibly frustrating and incredibly sad. Both from just a humanity perspective, as well as an evolutionary perspective.  What kind of world do we actually want to live in? Are we actually creating it? How do we not get totally disillusioned by the situation? And how do we step forward in a place that is so uncertain…

For me, things always go back to becoming strong in our own light, so we can then get curious about the world around us in an effort to create change. The work we do within, radiates out and creates the world that we actually want to see, live and experience. 

Many have told me they believe the cause of the Russian’s actions is a crazy ego and a bully attitude. So let’s bring that in as a point of reflection into our lives: who do you tolerate who has a crazy out of control ego? Who are the bullies in your life that you tolerate or take a complacent attitude towards or feel a victim to in your own life?

Watch today’s video to join me in this reflection and discover how when you are in your own light it becomes safer and much easier to get curious about people who hold very strong and different opinions from you. Start to walk forward and create the world that we want. 

“When you are in your own light and when you are in your own truth, it becomes safer and much easier to get curious about people who hold very strong and different opinions from you. And that is really important because that's where we can start to build connections. It's where we can start to build harmony. It's where we can start to make this transition to a new paradigm happen, faster, and easier.”

-Dana Shamas

Now I’d love to hear from you, think about where those places are in your life. How are you owning your own light, your own gift, your own presence and the face of out of control egos and bully personality types in your life? . How can you get more curious to change and shift behavior? What does that look like? How does that feel? 

Hopefully that feels a lot better and feels more empowering. Leave a message in the comments below! I read each and every one.

Love & Light,


How To Stop Worrying, Reduce Anxiety And Have a Great Night’s Sleep With A Simple Mindset Shift


Spring Full Moon Ritual- Harness the equinox energy to cultivate growth in your life this year