How To Stop Worrying, Reduce Anxiety And Have a Great Night’s Sleep With A Simple Mindset Shift

Recently I had a client come to me because the chatter in her head kept her from sleeping. She would worry and think about ALL the possible catastrophic ways things could go wrong. Her worry was so strong that the thoughts of devastation would bounce endlessly in her head: I’ll be found out as a fraud, I’m gonna get fired, my career is over, I’m going to lose everything… 

This negative thought loop and constant worrying not only kept her from sleeping but also drove her anxiety sky high during the day. 

Have you ever felt this way? Like when something is so important to you that it feels like you can’t help it but worry? It’s easy to get stuck in this type of mindset, especially when you grew up with it or people around you reinforce this kind of negativity. 

It is hard sometimes to remember that it is a choice to worry and maintain negative thought patterns. The reality is that there are just as many reasons and ways that things can, will and do work out best and even beyond your expectations.  So why not focus on positive results instead of catastrophic outcomes?

Take a moment to think about it…is there anything in your life that has actually worked out better than you imagined in the last two years? 

I bet there is more than one!! We live in a world of constant creation, and the possibilities are endless. Just as there are reasons why things could go wrong, there are as many reasons why things could be more than good, even fantastic!! 

So if there's something you're worried about right now, I'd love to challenge you to shift your mindset and find a little peace along the way with me.

Check out today's video where I explain a simple exercise that will stimulate your subconscious to switch the chatter in your head into a positive framework which will result in  less anxiety and better sleep for you (and probably everyone around you!!)

What if you could stop worrying about all the bad things that could happen and start thinking about all the amazing things that could happen? How would your life be different?

Now is your turn to try it out! 

For the next week when you think how something could go wrong, challenge yourself to think of at least one way things could turn out great! Notice how things shift…the way you feel, the way others react, how are things different?   

Let me know how it goes by leaving a comment below.

Love & Light,


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