Unlock the Secrets of Embodiment for 2024! 🌟

Did you know my Mom never took a yoga class before the Costa Rica Retreat in 2023?

Can you believe it? No one at the retreat could believe that she didn’t take advantage of my expertise every day!

The truth is she took her first yoga class many years ago and was so intimidated that she didn’t know the ‘moves’ that she didn’t take another class till she retired. Now she has more capacity to listen to her body, take new actions, and learn to embody more freedom and ease in life. 


She had more capacity for embodiment. 

2024 is going to allow you to more fully embody your light, energy, and purpose. You don't have to retire or go to Costa Rica like my Mom, but you may want to and it could help!

With the dynamic changes over the last 3 to 4 years people, especially my clients, have physically and energetically shifted. Now in 2024, it is time to fully embody these change. New frameworks, perspectives, and awareness allow you to embody more light, more energy, and more life-enhancing experiences. 


My offerings are very much geared towards supporting your embodiment in 2024.

Your physical body needs you to listen more carefully to what it is trying to tell you. That means your physical practices need to be energetically coherent and allow you to cultivate the discipline of deep inner listening. It is this kind of physical practice that supports your outward success and total-being health. When you truly listen to your body, it becomes easier to hear and follow your inner guidance. 

My yoga classes aren’t about teaching you yoga, they are about teaching you how to listen to your body and follow its guidance so that you experience the results that gets you -  more freedom, easier, and more connection. 

The tuning fork workshops are rooted in clearing the physical and energetic blocks in the body so that you know what your essence feels like. If you take part 2 of the workshops you will learn how to support others in this process as well!

The coaching programs dive deep into your own heart and desires. Breaking down, and removing all the hesitations you have around knowing your gifts and sharing them with with world. 


Are you ready for MORE?


I spilled my cacao