Are you ready for MORE?

I have resisted telling you this story because well it is a little hard to believe and understand if you weren’t there and didn’t feel it. And if you thought I was a witch before, you for sure will think I am now 🙂

In a recent tuning fork session, I was working with a client who was really struggling with a relationship - she just couldn’t let it go even though she knew it wasn’t healthy for her. Sound familiar to anyone? 

Her intention for the session was to be free from this relationship so she could move on peacefully and easily without the roller coaster of emotions and mental turmoil she was currently experiencing.

I was so proud of her for recognizing there is another way to transition out of a relationship, that it is possible, to ask for it and actively seek it out! 

Now in tuning fork sessions, I make the agreement that I share what comes up no matter how strange it may seem, and if the client resonates with it great, if not we let it go. This was one of those situations where I didn’t understand all that was coming through but I shared the information I was receiving. The information was from a past life where she was in a relationship that she was physically bound to - there were details that I shared that I didn’t understand but the overall sense was that she was physically unable to leave this toxic relationship. After clearing the energy and shifting that pattern and story, she let me know that the words I used to describe the past life situation were exactly how she felt about this relationship she wanted to let go of. The information I conveyed made so much sense to her, it is what she had felt in her relationship for so long. The past life entanglement felt so right that she was completely shocked and grateful.  Somehow it allowed many things to click into place and make sense for her. At the end of the session, she felt free. Whoooo whooo! A moment of celebration, please! And her interactions with her ex were more peaceful and less full of emotional turmoil after the session. She felt free and that made all the difference. 

I share this story with you for a few reasons 

One tuning fork session can literally change your life. 

Working with tuning forks has allowed me to trust my intuition and understand the information I received in from the etheric realm.

Tuning forks can support you in learning to understand your energetic field

I am teaching a series of tuning fork workshops this Spring and I use them in my group coaching program to share a tool that will allow you to:

Physically relax more fully because we ALL need that in the current environment,

Feel vibration, frequency, and emotions more fully in the body

Feel, hear, and trust your intuition

Understand your own energy field more fully

If any of this sounds appealing to you I encourage you to check out both the tuning fork workshops AND my group coaching program! They will both support you in finding stillness so you can feel, hear, and know the truth of your heart.

Do you remember the story of the tuning forks sessions that I told you last week? The one where my client freed herself from her relationship with her ex? Well after reading the email I sent out, she shared with…

Dana, last week I was feeling really low and not myself. And I remembered at the end of that amazing tuning fork session you told me to remember this feeling, remember how it feels to be free and to be more YOU, remember your frequency. There are more ups and downs to come and you will need to remember this is how you are meant to feel, this free and this amazing! So I did. I did a meditation and connected with that frequency and feeling of freedom and joy and connection that I felt after that tuning fork session and it totally helped me out of my funk. 

Again a moment of celebration, please! 

Not only did she remember her sense of freedom but she has developed a skill set that allows her to connect back to it and remember it when she goes off course or hits a road bump. 


This only happened because she took the time and had the desire for MORE, to be more herself, to have more freedom, to live with more joy! 

If you desire MORE and you are ready to learn new tools and receive the support you need to experience the MORE you desire,  I invite you to join of my group coaching program Align & Sparkle or my 1:1 coaching program.


New Moon Eclipse


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