I spilled my cacao

Earlier this week, I was getting ready for the full moon meditation (part of the Ground & Connect membership). It was early - a 6am meditation. I got my cacao ready. I was super excited. I felt like the cacao was the perfect way to connect with the heart-opening energy of this Leo full moon.

I sat down for the meditation and I spilled my cacao all over my beautiful seat cushion. It is something I have never done before…ever! In all these years of doing cacao ceremonies, I have never split it on my seat. I even had the cacao in a container with a lid so that it would stay warm.

It was a great reminder for me that this year is going to be messy. I am very hopeful and excited about 2024, but the truth is…

- unexpected things are gonna happen

- things that have never happened before are gonna happen

- it's gonna be messy

- it's not always gonna go the way that you think it should or the way that you've planned or the way that you want it.

This morning in my unexpected mess, I laughed in full acceptance and understanding that it is just a messy misstep. It can be cleaned up, and there is nothing inherently tragic. I still had plenty of cacao, and the meditation was amazing - very insightful with lots of guidance.

And this is the theme and lessons of 2024 - it will be messy. You will need to keep coming back to your joy, stay in your own energy, keep stepping forward on your path, your purpose, and allow the magic to unfold, allowing your intentions and desires to manifest beyond your expectations.

To do that you have to let go of the how, and keep taking the next best step into the unknown.

There is going to be ample opportunity in 2024 for you to go the other way - as my grandma would say, end up in the drink - bogged down in the muck and the mess of distraction and other people’s stuff.

It is essential that you have practices that keep your heart open, your energy connected and your focus aligned. Consistent connection to people who compassionately reflect back to you when you are off your path and help you celebrate the resiliency necessary to stay on purpose will be a key component to thriving this year.

I have kicked off 2024 with new offerings that support you in embodying your energy and help you stay connected to your purpose so you can keep stepping forward in full expression of your purpose and in your power.


Unlock the Secrets of Embodiment for 2024! 🌟


This Sagittarius New Moon - Using Fire for Growth