This Sagittarius New Moon - Using Fire for Growth

This Sagittarius New Moon is a bit fiery....can you feel it?

There is so much to be joyful for this holiday season, and yet there does seem to be more fiery energy this year.

Fire can show up in many ways.

Physically, fire looks like inflammation, illness, and pain. The flu and cold season is particularly strong this year.

Emotionally, fire can look like anger, rage, frustration, and irritation. I bet you can think of one or two things that got you hot under the collar this week.

Mentally, fire can show up as overthinking, negative self-talk, and negative thought patterns.

While you may feel like these are in-the-moment fiery experiences, I suspect that if you take more time to reflect and consider, you are being shown long-held patterns about your relationship with fire that are ready to shift.

In our culture, our relationship with the energy of fire is out of balance. We most often see the energy of fire as an out-of-control force that causes undo destruction. As a result, we often shy away from fire, shut it down, and avoid it altogether.

Fire is a powerful element that used appropriately leads to growth, transformation, and joy. The key is to learn how to work with fire and use it skillfully. While this applies to life as a whole, today I want to talk about our relationship with inner fire. Your inner fire or inner light is the seat of your intuition and fuels your purpose. When you cultivate a deep connection to and understanding of your own inner light, you worry less, you enjoy more, and it is easier to be your authentic self and share your gifts.

What I have noticed is that our aversion to the energy of fire leads us to avoid our inner fire and dim our inner light. Just think what might happen if you allowed your inner fire to burn brightly....the entire world around you would transform. That kind of power can feel overwhelming and scary. But we, the world, the collective need your gifts and want you to shine.

In this season of darkness as you reflect on your own inner light and as the beautiful light of the season shows you your own gifts, I encourage you to get more curious about how your inner fire works - what fuels it, how it burns, how it feels, what impact it has on the world. Get comfortable with your own fire so that when you are ready it feels fun and rewarding to share it with the world.


I spilled my cacao


Embrace the fire within