Embrace the fire within

Wow, it is hot out there!! SO uncomfortable it is unreal!

Can you feel the people around you getting more irritable?

Do you feel your emotions - anger, frustration, self-criticism - come to the surface much faster?

You are not alone! August is a firey month we feel it on all levels, mental, emotional, and physical. Perhaps take this as an opportunity to learn to work with fire. It is a powerful element and energy that many of us shy away from because we can see the harm it can do. Just look at Maui - with the right condition, in just a few hours, fire destroyed a historic town and claimed many lives. It is powerful.

And yet it started with just a few embers.

What if those embers were caught early enough?

The fire would not get out of control.

This is the nature of fire.

A small flame, an ember shows you where the problem is. The quicker to address it the less harm it does.

Fire works the same in you! In your body, fire shows up as discomfort, irritation, inflammation, or anger. If you ignore it, it grows and the faster/larger it grows the more pain and destruction it causes. If you can catch it early and address it right away it can be supportive to the system - like a fire on a winter’s night. Yes, I know it is not winter. But this is why it is so important to look at what is irritating you now, what is causing the discomfort now. The intensity of August shows us where we are out of alignment. Take this time to address those issues now.

If you don't, that irritation and discomfort will only grow causing you additional pain. Do you really want to take that pain forward with you into the holidays - yes that is where it will show up again! - into 2024? Take the time now, learn the tools, and learn to work with fire to transform you into your next level of being.


This Sagittarius New Moon - Using Fire for Growth


STOP Doing What Isn’t Working