STOP Doing What Isn’t Working

How is 2023 going for you? Does it feel like 2022 just kept going? Are you wondering why things feel the same even though you’d like things to be different? 

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, take a deep breath and an honest look at things that are working and the things that aren’t working in your world. 

Now here is the hard part: stop doing the things that aren’t working. YES! Stop! 


I know there are things on your list you feel like you MUST do. That could be very real and true. But right now, take a pause and ask yourself: Can you stop doing something that isn’t working? 

A huge part of what keeps us from living our fullest vision of life is that we keep doing the things that maintain the status quo. When you don’t actively choose to let go of what isn’t working, you are passively choosing the status quo. That’s still a choice with real results in your life and in the lives of the people around you. Choosing a different path doesn’t always feel possible because we’re tired and don’t feel our own power or energy. We aren’t thriving. We are just surviving. 

However, the reason we are so tired is that we keep doing these things that don’t work, the things that drain our energy. What would happen if you stopped doing just one thing that isn’t working? Could you choose the one thing that was your biggest energy suck? How much more capacity would you have? How much better would you feel? 

Then, what if you replaced it with an activity that felt amazing and recharged you? How might that affect you, the people in your life, and the world around you? 

This is a year filled with changes and shifts. We need you to have the greatest capacity possible to facilitate and allow for these shifts and changes to happen with ease and grace - with the least amount of resistance and struggle. 

If you’re unsure where to start, book a free call with me. I'd love to get to know you more, understand what your pain points are, what's frustrating you, and where you want to grow & thrive.

So what do you say? Are you ready to STOP?


Embrace the fire within


JOY: How to Stay Focused & Committed to What Your Heart Truly Desires