Rest: Reset your energy so you can perceive all the resources around you!
You have all you need!! You are resourced!!
It has been a very productive few weeks for me. So many things that have been waiting around to get done are finally off the “To Do List”. It feels great! Things that I have really built up in my head or that I needed more knowledge, education, expertise to do or get done. It just wasn’t true. What I needed was bandwidth and focus. Once I had that, then it became clear that I had all the resources and understanding needed to complete the tasks at hand.
As the scarcity mentality escalates in our world, I think it is so important that we REMEMBER we are supported and have all the supplies here that we need to do what we are meant to do.
So why don’t we feel fully supported, supplied, and resourced all the time?
People benefit from you feeling under-resourced. When you feel depleted or like you don’t have what you need inside yourself, you naturally look outside yourself. This creates the perfect environment for you to feel the NEED to purchase things, education, experiences, ect. And let me be clear there is a difference between expressing your purpose, deepening your gifts and beautiful self expression, AND purchasing things to feel better, feel more, fill a void or area you feel you lack. The truth is you are designed to attract and utilize the resources here on earth you need to fully thrive and express your purpose! You have it and you have access to it!
You're tired! Let's be real, the last two years have been exhausting on top of an already busy and over committed culture. When we are tired, it is hard to be perceptive, it is hard to see outside the day to day tasks. It is hard to get out of survival mode. Even when you have a home, transportation, and food, we still feel we are just surviving. It becomes impossible to really access resources in a different way when we are running from thing to thing.
Just ask Google/Siri culture. Why isn’t your first instinct to ask your inner knowing? Why don’t you just ask the all knowing aspect of your being ness? Why not cultivate your own intuition and circuitry? And, yes, the internet has given access to information and knowledge more freely than we have ever had before. It is AMAZING and wonderful and has provided sooo much good! But it has made us lazy, less curious, less patient, and maybe even less thoughtful. These are all things we need to cultivate to build trust in our inner knowing and intuition.
So what do we need to do to expand our awareness and access to the resources we have all around us already? How do we increase our bandwidth and focus?
RESET!! Deep rest allows your nervous system to reset to a more normal baseline. Honestly, after the last 2 years, I am going to say that EVERYONE needs to consider how they are resetting their nervous systems to neutral - I mean some serious rest and restoration. Let me be clear, I don’t mean getting a massage or taking a nap. I mean committing to a week of massages, regular consciousness napping with deep restoration, a 10 package of tuning fork sessions to really reset the system. Or a series of acupuncture treatments designed to reset your nervous system, days or weeks in nature without technology, a week long meditation retreat or breathwork retreat, a package of Network Spinal Analysis or another program that is specifically designed to teach your body to release stress. Yes, daily meditation and yoga practices are good maintenance, BUT I am suggesting that more is required to release the accumulated stress and trauma that will allow your system to begin to operate and resource itself as it is intended - from a place of full safety, support, relaxation, and openness. In this state, you can see, perceive, and access the resources around you. It is from this place that your meditation and awareness practices begin to blossom and thrive you. At the end of the day you just feel SO MUCH BETTER.
Several years ago, I was in a very stressful personal situation. I knew I was stressed and in flight or fight mode, and I needed help to bring me back to neutral. I worked with a chiropractor who had a particular system designed to allow the body to release stress and trauma. After the first session I slept for 14 hours. It was a reset like I had never had before, and I felt like a new person afterwards. For most of us, we have been in fight or flight for a solid 2 years. You may not even remember or realize what a rest and relaxed state feels like.
When our bodies are in fight or flight mode, our system focuses or narrows our perceptive abilities to the real or imagined danger at hand, like a crazy driver or supply chain shortages. It becomes hard if not impossible to perceive outside the narrow band of survival. When your nervous system adjusts from fight or flight into rest and digest mode, which is what happens when we deeply rest, our ability to perceive expands from the narrow band of survival to a wider range of possibilities. You are able to observe details that are more subtle in nature, like your intuition and internal guidance. You are able to notice when things are out of alignment or discern trends of things not working before they become major problems, so you can make adjustments and course-correct more easily.
This past Memorial Day weekend, I spent three days out in nature with no technology, lots of rest, and walking. And I came back in a different place, much more relaxed, centered and clear. Spending more time in rest and relaxation mode allows you to step into that place of creating new things, open to new ideas, new processes. Our systems are physically in a more receptive place to create, experience, and process more life.
I know we have another wave of change and transition that is building. I encourage you to take some time and get some support to help move your system into a rest and relaxed state - process through some of what has occurred and get clear on what is important to you and what resources you need to support you as we move through the next 6 months. There is no right way - there is just the way that works best for you! There may be many things that work for you, and that is great. I am encouraging you to do them! If you are struggling to figure it out please set up a call, and I am happy to support you in finding a program that works.