New Moon Eclipse

Did you experience the New Moon Eclipse this week?

In truth, I usually don't get very excited about seeing an eclipse, but somehow this one was different. We are in a moment in time where things are shifting and changing. Somehow this natural event marking this very real experience of change and transition that we are having made it more significant for me.

Beyond what I heard on TV, I didn't know what to expect.

While I spent much of last weekend in reflection with the Align & Sparkle group coaching participants, I didn't have any particular ritual, ceremony, or practice that I planned for the day.

I was in complete AWE of the experience. The beauty, the wonder, and sheer delight were totally beyond expectations. The constant movement of clouds hiding and revealing the moon and the sun,
The dynamic sparkle of the ring of fire
The darkening of the skies and quieting of the birds and insects
And the blaring sound of the leaf blower

IT WAS PERFECT! The mystical, sparkling, and magical aspects of life in the same moment of the real humanness of our day-to-day reality. One doesn't need to be separate from the other. We can hold and experience both at the same time without diminishing or marginalizing one or the other. I can't think of a more perfect way to initiate this new moon cycle.

May you fully embody the beauty, wonder, and delight of being full YOU! May you welcome in the magic and the mundane!  May you be in awe of your life experience!

Just a reminder even though this was a new moon, we are still in a time period of reorganization and letting go. If you want more support in that process you are always welcome to reach out and set up a chat and you can check out Tending Your Garden: An exercise in owning your energy. It is a short workbook and a video that guides you to more clarity on what is working in your life and what you need to let go of. It is a beautiful start to consciously choose how to direct your energy towards what you want to thrive in your life and how to learn to own your own energy! 


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