Feeling Anxious? You aren’t alone

Last week one of my regular clients looked very distressed when she came to to her session.

"What is wrong? Is everything okay?"

"I have anxiety and I don't know where it came from. I just can't figure it out." she expressed in pure frustration.

Anxiety typically is the body's response to an overwhelm of unprocessed emotions and energy. It often happens when our lives are so busy and volatile that we don't have time and space to fully process all the emotions and energy we are experiencing.

My client excels at holding it all together! She is good at holding it all in so she can make it through the day or current life crisis. But this time as she was ready to relax and unwind her anxiety amped up and she just could not turn it off.

Does this sound familiar?

The answer is to allow yourself to feel and process the emotions and energy that your body is ready to release. I know, the knee-jerk reaction to anxiety is to just shut it off. And when that doesn't work, it can often lead to more anxiety and negativity. Letting yourself actually feel the anxiety, get curious about it and allow it to move through your system can feel like a crazy idea! But it works every time. And the more you practice, the easier it gets and the faster it works.

As I walked my client through the different steps of how to work with anxiety from an energetic and nervous system perspective, I realized that one of my products does the same thing - The Energetics of Breathwork!

Breathwork is my favorite tool for dealing with anxiety. I know there is a great deal of uncertainty and anxiety out there right now. If you or someone you know is looking for a new tool to deal with anxiety, check it out!


Change happens step by step


New Moon Eclipse