How Gen X Leaders Are Stepping Up To Open The Path For Impactful Change To Emerge In The World.

I see Generation X as a bridge generation. We are the integrators...we are unwinding long held belief structures, patterns, and behaviors that we have seen in our parents, grandparents, schools and institutions.

We know things aren't right, we know there is a different way and we're just now coming into roles of leadership that allow us to ask and demand for new systems that are respectful and honor all human beings. AND we need to own it, do the necessary self reflection and development of new skills to effectively open the door. 

We're paving the way for Millennials and Gen Z to thrive and create massive shifts in our world. This step of integration, of unwinding, of easing the old ways out and creating space for the new ways to emerge is vital, and sometimes hard. It means cleaning up your own act, clearing your own patterns and belief structures, acting from a place of connection and clarity, versus anger and righteousness.

Don't get me wrong, anger and righteousness is valid and has its purpose but our jobs are to process, understand and utilize the power of that anger to give us the courage and strength to create change in the world.

What is AMAZING is that we are in time and space NOW, that when you step forward to ask for change, it happens. That hasn't been true in the past but it is now. I see it in EVERY one of my clients and it is BEAUTIFUL and mind blowing! 

Stepping into the role of a leader is not an easy task, it takes intense internal work to cultivate the strength and the courage to stand up for what we believe in, challenge the authority figures and the status quo and enroll key players to support us in opening the way…

So I want to invite you to check out today’s blog to learn more about this perspective and join me in reflection (watch all the way to the end) of how we can all begin to reframe our roles and stand for the world we want to see emerge.

“It is SO wonderful to watch this happen with my clients and in the world! It is why I'm so committed to supporting people, especially Generation X, learn the tools, do the work to confidently step into these roles of leadership and usher in the newness that is emerging”

- Dana Shamas

Your  time is now  to access your authentic voice and leadership style and truly embody the gifts you are meant to share with the world!

  • Where is your role and what role do you want to play?

  • What is your heart and your spirit asking you to do?

  • How do your gifts and talents benefit you and everyone around you?

If you desire this kind of change and level of authentic leadership in your life 👇


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