How to Receive from the Universe And Stop Blocking Blessings Out of Your Life

I was overjoyed! I let go and allowed things to happen in an even better way I could imagine!

Isn't it wonderful when that happens?

It happened to me last week with my garden, and it was such a clear reminder of how we can open up to new possibilities and receive from the universe even more than what our limited expectations were set on. The universe is a boundless unlimited place afterall.

Oftentimes when we’re passionate about something we want to achieve, we can be so focused on the “prize” that we can become blind to the fact that there are other ways to win. Getting  attached to the specific way we want to see things unfold begins to block our ability to perceive the possibility that other treasures can emerge from the situation.

But when we begin to let go of our expectations, we can be open to receive in the limitless abundant way the Universe has intended for us. That’s why in today’s vlog I wanted to explore this idea with you! There’s so much  more that is possible when we stop blocking the universe and become open to receive from it.

Watch today’s video to find out if there’s somewhere in your life where you are blocking blessings out of your life and how you can open up to receive directly from above.

“When you open up to more possibilities of how something can happen for you, then you allow the Universe to give it to you”

- Dana Shamas 

Think of an area of your life where you really want to make something happen. Now, think of the outcome, the result, or the change you want to see happen.

To open up to new possibilities, brainstorm 10 ways that the same thing can happen for you that are different from what your current expectation is.

Really challenge yourself to get to at least 5 but really go for 10, so that your system, your subconscious can begin to expand to the possibilities and receive in many different ways instead of being focused on THE ONE way to receive what you want. 

Try it out and let me know… What are you trying to create right now? Are you attached to one specific  outcome? What are different ways things can unfold?

Love and Light,


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