How To Connect With Earth’s Wisdom And Celebrate Arbor Day in 2022

Happy arbor day beautiful Humans!! 💖🌳

Today marks the 150th year of arbor day, a tree planter’s holiday celebrating the powerful wonders trees offer us. We may not think much about it, but from backyards to tropical rainforests, trees around the world are hard at work providing the necessities of life, cleaning our air, purifying our water, providing habitat for wildlife, connecting communities and supporting our health and well-being.

Trees are just AMAZING!! I mean think about it….they stand there year after year, generation general. Think of ALL they have witnessed, all they have shaded, all they have fed, the wind they have felt, the storms they have endured. There is SO MUCH wisdom that trees have if we can only slow down enough to listen and learn. 

One of the most profound lessons that trees have shown me is how to work with energy. Trees can alchemize what comes from deep within the earth and shines down from the sky into the abundant magic we see, literally, flourishing in this world.

We can learn so much about our own energy from trees!

So to celebrate, I’ve prepared a guided meditation you can use while spending some time with a physical tree, or imaginary if you’re still at the office! (after all we live in a holographic world, the tree will know!) This meditation will make you feel grounded, centered, relaxed and will help you increase your awareness of how we all belong to nature as a whole.

Join me in the celebration and practice this 10 min guided meditation video in honor of what all trees do for us on Earth! 👇

Thinking of other fun ways to connect with Earth Wisdom?

Try my favorite Bay Laurel Pudding Recipe! (bay laurel is a leaf of manifestation of wishes and desires 🤩)

P.S. This recipe is an excerpt from Winter Edition of the Gather Victoria E-Cookery Book

Are you ready to create sacred space to connect and experience your higher self, access your intuition and receive the flow of powerful manifestation from the Universe in a way that feels easy and effortless?

Love & Light,


Bay Laurel Custard Pudding Recipe


Is Meditation Like Taking Horrible Tasting Medicine (or like taking your vitamins)? You Do It But Don’t Really Like It?