Change happens step by step


Yesterday I had a conversation about voting - and a family friend felt so dejected because the younger generation in her family expressed they didn’t want to vote. They feel it is pointless.

Can you relate?

It is hard to stay engaged when the shift that needs to happen is so large and we can’t fathom how it could possibly occur. It’s hard to remember and believe that change happens step by step, decision by decision,  interaction by interaction, and vote by vote.

However, when you look back in history, change happens over spans of 10, 20, and 50 years not overnight, not in one news cycle, and not in one election.

The same process is true for personal transformation. We romanticize the big Hollywood abracadabra cosmic shift that aligns the stars and sets your world moving in the right direction. In reality, personal transformation happens decision by decision, thought by thought, word by word. It is the consistent practice of pausing, breathing, feeling, and reflecting that creates the space for you to choose actions that align with the best version of yourself.

Often, my clients are awe-struck at the transformation that occurs when they look back at the last 6 months, 12 months, 3 years, 5 years. They change jobs, move countries, and shift relationships. They feel more joyful, rested, and connected. And when they don’t, they know what they need to do to create the peace and synchronicity they desire.

My offerings allow you to work with me at a variety of levels:

Level 1: Ground & Connect - Weekly Yoga and Monthly meditation practices instill the regular practice of checking in with your body, breath, and mind.

Level 2: Align & Sparkle - A seasonal group coaching program offers regular coaching + energy work to create a shift in mindset and a deep understanding of your energetic system. You will cultivate enhanced self-trust and intuition.

Level 3: 1:1 Coaching - Personalized coaching + energy sessions focused on what you need to live the life you desire - more joy, more peace, more connection.

Costa Rica Retreat is an immersive experience that brings it all together - a week of coaching, daily yoga, meditation, ceremonies, reflection, energy work plus so much more!

It is June! We are halfway through 2024. If you aren't walking into summer as the best version of yourself take this high-energy time of the year to support you in making the changes you need to thrive. 

If you have any questions please set up a chat with me.


Compassion - Humanity - Dignity


Feeling Anxious? You aren’t alone