Compassion - Humanity - Dignity

Yes, I know PRIDE month officially ended yesterday....and every day is a great day to celebrate acceptance, equality, and inclusion! Rainbow glitter always looks good! 

I'd like to share one particular client story with you because what came up is a salient message for all of us. 

Compassion - Humanity - Dignity

My client came to me with overwhelming anxiety and fear. During the session, we were able to quiet the noise so she could be curious about her emotions. She discovered that underneath the anxiety and fear, there was a very old trauma that stripped her of her humanity and dignity and left her desperate for basic compassion. 

I just want you to consider how many times you have experienced or witnessed 

1 - a deep lack of compassion, yes write it down! 

2 - a denial of basic humanity

3 -  a removal of dignity

Add those numbers up and then multiply it times the number of people you know. That is a pretty big number. 

It seems like such a huge existential problem to grapple with. I get it! And yet it is a shared experience and a shared human history that we have all seen and many have experienced personally. 

Now consider…

How much compassion do you show yourself?

Do you honor your own humanity?

How often do you place yourself in situations where your dignity is diminished?  

Cultivating self-compassion, recognizing your needs as a human being, and standing up for your dignity set the foundation for you to have the capacity to experience a human existence that is full of joy, delight, and wonder. 

While June is over and the colorful reminders of our shared humanity may not be on full display, the practice of compassion, humanity, and dignity are daily personal practices that enable you to shift your life experience and the experience of all the people in your life. 


True Freedom


Change happens step by step