What To Do To Stop Being Pulled Into Your Loved One’s Drama- Try This Awareness Exercise

Have you ever felt like you’re getting sucked into a swirl of negative energy, anger and disappointment because someone in your life said or did something you simply hate?

It’s like being pulled down into, what I call, an emotional toilet… it sucks you in and nothing good ever comes out of it.

I get it! Some relationships can be challenging, and there are people in our lives we can’t simply run away from. Most of these relationship dynamics have gone on for so long that it can seem impossible to imagine they can be any different.

Wouldn’t it be great to feel like there’s nothing someone else can say or do to drain away your energy? Watch today’s vlog and get started!

I promise, it’s in your power to begin dissolving the triggers that bring you into emotional chaos even if you can’t change the other person.

When you begin getting curious about what your triggers are, you step into a place where it can be possible to transform what it seems like an impossible relationship because you can change your response to your loved one’s emotional chaos.

Especially if you’re dealing with a difficult family member, getting strong in owning your own energy to stop getting triggered can create a very rewarding joyful connection in the relationship.

Now, I’d love to hear from you:

Do you have an impossible relationship in your life that you’d love to shift? Do you have a personal way you deal with being pulled into drama?

Awareness Exercise: Next time you have a strong reaction to a situation in your relationships, get curious! can you identify what was said or done that tagged you in? Is there something else at play?

Remember, share as much detail as possible in your reply. Many incredible souls come here each week for insight and inspiration. Your comment may help someone else open up to a brand new perspective.

Important: share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments. Links to other posts, videos, etc. will be deleted.

Thank you so much for reading, watching and contributing your voice to the discussion. You’re a treasured part of this community.

Love & Light,


The Law of Resonance- How To Own Your Energy To Thrive In Life Without Struggle or Double Guessing


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