How To Own Your Energy To Tame & Dissolve Food Cravings Once And For All.

Most of us have experience irresistible unhealthy food cravings before, am I right? when the pint of ice cream is calling you from the freezer, or when the chocolate chip cookies are taunting you from the kitchen counter, or when you can’t stop yourself from eating that extra serving of mac n’ cheese… You know!?  

I know I have. It can feel disempowering to be unable to control the cravings and not even know where they come from. It’s frustrating at best, and demoralizing at worst, to rationally know making healthy choices supports our health and well being and not being able to follow through.

So, if you made an intention about changing your diet or improving your health and wellbeing this year, today’s vlog is a must watch.

Working with the energetic field and biofield tuning to discover what’s really behind our cravings is a powerful lesson and definitely a game changer for my well being, my ability to make healthy food choices, and being able to enjoy a relationship with food that’s life enhancing and fun!

To create lasting change in our bodies through diet and exercise alone can often be a struggle because you aren’t addressing the underlying emotional patterns. Our emotions trigger some of our deepest patterns that can drive us to want to eat that fatty or sugary treat without us even knowing.

So learning to identify patterns and finding ways to unwind and process those trigger emotions is essential to creating a healthy relationship with food. It’s a building block for a vibrant body and well being.

Now I’d love to hear from you.

Are there any emotional patterns you recognize that tie up to your own cravings?

Awareness Exercise: after you realize you have over indulged or numbed out with food see if you can identify an experience/incident or interaction that triggered a strong emotional reaction. Can you identify a pattern?

Remember, share as much detail as possible in your reply. Many incredible souls come here each week for insight and inspiration. Your comment may help someone else open up to a brand new perspective.

Important: share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments. Links to other posts, videos, etc. will be deleted.

Thank you so much for reading, watching and contributing your voice to the discussion. You’re a treasured part of this community.

Love & Light,


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