The Discomfort of August

August is here, and it's bringing the heat!

How are you dealing with the season of fire?

Are you feeling uncomfortable?

Don’t worry you aren’t alone. I had several clients talk to me this week about their discomfort.

Feeling uncomfortable is a natural part of expansion—just like those challenging yoga 🧘‍♀️ poses that teach you to transform discomfort into spaciousness. The discomfort you face isn't necessarily a sign of danger; it’s often a signal that things need to change.

Stepping into your purpose and sharing your gifts can feel new and very uncomfortable. Learning how to work with your discomfort allows you to confidently let your inner light burn bright.

This month, tap into your inner fire and explore what your discomfort means for you. Is it a call to shift your perspective or an invitation to establish new habits? Understanding this can unlock new spaces within you, leading to greater balance and alignment. ✨ 🔥✨

I can’t wait to find out what unfolds for you.


Protect Your Peace: Preplan your self-care


Are you meant for a JOYFUL life?