Protect Your Peace: Preplan your self-care

I know the next 4 to 6 months will be a bumpy ride. Back to school, elections, holiday, and before you know it, it’s December 31st. If you’re like me, you’re going to need to be connected, present, and tuned in to navigate the best path forward. So I have booked my self-care basics for the next 4 months. 

🌟 Wholistic Chiropractor booked through the end of the year

🌟 Bodywork booked

🌟 Weekend Fun Trips booked

🌟 Special FUN events booked

🌟 Trip to Costa Rica Booked (you can come with me :)) 

No matter what happens in the world, I know the time, the social activity, and the basic self-care I need to thrive are already booked and taken care of. There is a calm and restful feeling knowing my body is going to feel great. I have amazing festiveness planned, and guaranteed time to relax and restore in nature. 

Pre-planning self-care in at least quarterly increments is one of the ways  I show myself MORE love. It’s also one of the ways my clients ensure work-life balance. Work has a way of sneaking into every facet of our modern lives. Planning out your self-care time is a commitment to your well-being and your energy. Most of my clients find that if they don’t plan it out, it doesn’t happen. 

What does your Fall Self-Care program look like? 

How do you plan to manage the bumpy road ahead? 


Shift your frequency and the world around you changes 


The Discomfort of August