Reflections During Autumn Season

I know you have a long list of TO DOs that you feel like you MUST do. That could be very real and true.

If you feel overwhelmed by that long list of TO DOs or you just need more space and more downtime, then it is time to consider what isn't really working for you. 

A huge part of what keeps us from living our fullest vision of life is that we keep doing the things that maintain the status quo. When you don’t actively choose to let go of what isn’t working, you are passively choosing the status quo.

That’s still a choice with real results in your life and in the lives of the people around you. Choosing a different path doesn’t always feel possible because we’re tired and don’t feel our own power or energy. We aren’t thriving. We are just surviving. 

The energy of the season of Fall is to celebrate and enjoy what you have created in your life. We have moved through the seasons of planting and growing and so now you can really see what kind of results all your hard work has produced.

Plus, we a have a full moon on Thursday. So that extra bright light of the full moon can help you see and be honest with yourself about what is actually working in your life.

This is a year filled with changes and shifts.  You need to have the greatest capacity possible to facilitate and allow for these shifts and changes to happen with ease and grace - with the least amount of resistance and struggle.

Stop dumping your amazing energy into things that just aren't working. Give yourself more time and space to create a life experience you desire. 

Reflection Questions: 
🍂 What is working in your life? What isn't working in your life? 
🍂 What would happen if you stopped doing just one thing that isn’t working?
🍂 Would you have more capacity? Would you feel different?
🍂 Can you simply enjoy the new space you created? 

Let me know how it goes. 

PS - If you want a deeper reflection practice, you can check out this free product, Tending Your Garden


A Winter Solstice for the Mind & Body


Shift your frequency and the world around you changes